Recent publications:
(forthcoming) Wright-Arora, G. and Bazin, W. Ontology, empirics, and feasibility vs. desirability in The Case for Degrowth. Journal of Political Ecology.
(2024) Wright-Arora, G.*, James, M.*, Troiano, M., Sidwell, N., Boyle, J., Barbrook-Johnson, P., Hirons, M. The role of publics and deliberation at the environmental science-policy interface. Agile Initiative, University of Oxford, UK. * co-lead authors. Available online here and summary here.
Workshops and conferences:
International ESEE - Degrowth Conference 2024; Spaces for Degrowth: Urban metabolisms and solidary spaces of degrowth between the Global South and Global North
RGS-IBG 2024; Mapping urban metabolism
International workshop on commoning
Public engagement:
SWIMMINGPOD podcast (forthcoming 2024)
SWIMMINGPOD podcast (2022)